JavaScript galore

As some of you know I've turned into a JavaScript fanboy the last year. This past weekend was my highlight so far: I've went to in Berlin. A fairly small conference about JavaScript with it's counterpart in the US. It was truely a great event. Some say it was awesome but you have to be careful with this attribute. ;-)

JavaScript is some serious shit. What these guys do with JavaScript is really awesome. Libraries, demos and language extensions. Just incredible. If someone still thinks this is just a toy to make pretty websites, talk to someone.

There are so many great frameworks Sammy, Step, fab, vapor.js, fusejs. I just need some time to look at all of them.

The future is HTML5. Until then use native builds in the cloud with Phonegap and Apparat and make WebApps now!

Great, friendly and partying community. There were so many inspiring people there and everyone was friendly. Special thanks to @janl, @hblank and @cramforce for organizing this event. Next year we make sure to come early and leave late.


My part for better JavaScript Docs:

See you at Cologne.JS