My first iPhone application: Dishes

Apple has just released my first iPhone application. I am really happy and proud about this and glad that Version 1.0 is out the door. See

So what does Dishes do? With Dishes you can track your meals, drinks, snacks etc. Right now I use Dishes for tracking my lunch meals and my Caipis. That way I know if I should get the 37 at my favorite Thai place and whether that Caipi was any good at this bar. But the great think is you can also share your recommendations via Twitter! Check it out it's really easy.

I am eager to see how everyone else will use Dishes. And I have tons of new ideas for Version 2.0. So please let me know what you think.

Thanks: So I've started my whole iPhone developing journey a half year ago with zero knowledge about Objective-C and Cocoa and mobile applications. There are many great people out there who helped me on this way. I would like to thank:
Gerald, Robert and Dennis for really testing and giving valuable feedback.
Stefan for testing and for hosting CocoaHeads Bonn. Bill for his great iPhone book. Matt for MGTwitterEngine. And Jeff for SQLPO. And the whole Cocoa community!

I plan to write about the whole development process and the internals of Dishes in the next couple of weeks.