I am happy to announce our new German book "The OSGi Service Platform - An introduction with Eclipse Equinox". I've witten this book together with Nils Hartmann, Bernd Kolb and Gerd Wütherich. In the last two years we have dedicated a lot of our spare time to this book. Last weekend we have send the final version to the publisher, so it's only a matter of weeks until you can find it in the bookshelf's! Hooray!

The book gives you an inside overview of the technology, terms and concepts behind OSGi. Several tutorials demonstrate the concepts with Eclipse Equinox and gives you an hands-on experience. This book is the perfect introduction to OSGi and Equinox which are the foundations of the new top level project Eclipse RT, just announced at the EclipseCon.
Unfortunately this book is only available in German. But as Peter Kriens notes in the forward we hope the English version will follow soon.