I'm at the Jax right now. Yesterday was my first workshop Eclipse RCP. It went pretty well and we had to move to a bigger room. With a couple of colleagues I'll be blogging in…

I'm getting ready for the JAX next week. On Monday I'll be supporting a workshop about Eclipse RCP with four other Eclipes-Gurus. On Wednesday I'm demonstrating eXtreme programming with 3 colleagues. Hope to see you…

The Eclipsecon just started. Since I'm offline in Germany I hope that everyone blogs, post pictures and post bookmarks. And as Ed initially suggested I hope the feeds get food at flickr and del.icio.…

Neil Bartlett has written a great article comparing Eclipse extensions and OSGi services. He especially explains the different approaches to services: dynamicy, ServiceTracker, DeclerativeServices and Spring-OSGi. Two concrete numbers I found interesting: ... Peter Kriens (the…